Our success is informed by the unique minds we have running our
business. Merican Ltd strives to continue to be a fair employer that
adopts no bias in the recruitment process. I believe that this has
ensured that we have employees with diverse backgrounds who can
contribute to innovative thinking and foster further growth.
We aim to continue in this light even in the future as we grow and
venture further into being the leader within the Commercial Kitchen
Equipment industry.
One of the focus areas as we continue to grow is our investment in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
activities. We cannot question the impact of the community on our growth and are excited to give back,
with our key focus being on environmental conservation. Climate change effects continue to affect our
nation and the world at large, and we believe in active involvement in providing solutions for the same.
Doing so will not only result in societal improvement but will also increase the level of impact Merican Ltd
has in our country